Chloanthite xls; Schlema, Erzgebirge, Saxony, Germany; Gerd Tremmel collection; Scab; unique piece

€30.00 €25.21
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Chloanthite crystals from Schlema, Erzgebirge, Saxony, Germany, Gerd Tremmel collection. Small cabinet specimen as unique piece.


Impressive small cabinet specimen featuring chloanthite crystals from Schlema. Specimens from this region are notable for their characteristic metallic coloration. A striking piece that stands out for its aesthetics and deserves a special place in any collection.



This table is for general information and orientation, although the sizes of the stones may vary. In addition, this specification is handled differently from region to region.

Sizes means? approx. Sizes
TN/mm Micromount (TN=Thumpnail) everything fitting in a TN Perky box or a MM box max. 1 in
Min Miniature specimen will not fit an TN or MM box anymore ≈ 1.6 - 2 in
Scab small cabinet specimen app. a third to half a hand size ≈ 3 - 3.5 in
Cab cabinet specimen  full hand size ≈ 4.5 - 6 in
large Cab large cabinet specimen app. 2 hand sizes  ≈ 8 - 12 in
very large Cab very large cabinet specimen  everything larger than the sizes before  


Abbreviations commonly used in mineralogy.

Abbreviation Meaning
xl single crystal, possible with matrix
xls noticeable crystals
(xl) embedded or damaged
(xls) embeddet or damaged
MASS massive and/or amorphous pieces
TYP type locality of the original description
SWUV shortwave-UV-reaction
UV ultraviolet reaction
SC self-collected
U unique (single unique piece)


Application Instructions:

This product is ideal as a collector's item, decorative element, teaching material, or for scientific and exhibition purposes.



Legal Notices:


We accept no liability for damages resulting from improper and/or non-recommended use. Please carefully assess the suitability of the product before any alternative use.


Responsible Provider

Mikon Mineralienkontor GmbH
Steinslieth 11
D-37130 Gleichen OT Klein Lengden





Findings, minerals, buy, online store, specimens, process, presentation pieces, present, single piece, exhibits, display, collectibles, collecting

More Information
shipment-weight, NOT netto weight (kg) 0.100000

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