Cobaltkoritnigite xls etc.; 75 Mine, Schneeberg, Saxony, Germany, 1 flat, unique (S1)

€95.00 €79.83
Only 1 left
Item number

Cobaltkoritnigite, Erythrite, Pharmacolite xls, etc., 75 mine, Schneeberg, Saxony, Germany, 1 flat, unique


Beautiful pieces of cobaltkoritnigite, erythrite and pharmacolite with small crystals and others in a full sized flat.

More Information
shipment-weight, NOT netto weight (kg) 4.000000

Mikon GmbH
Mathias Rheinländer / Steffen Möckel

Steinslieth 11
D-37130 Gleichen OT Klein Lengden

Tel: +49-(0)5508-974470
Fax: +49-(0)5508-974471

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